How to Enrol

Parents wishing to enrol children are requested to contact the Principal for an appointment—and should bring the following information when enrolling their children:

  •   The child’s Birth Certificate
  •   The child’s Immunisation Record
  •   Parent / Caregiver’s information (address, email, occupation, telephone no.)
  •   Emergency Contact (name, address, telephone no., relationship)
  •   Family Doctor (name, address, telephone no.)
  •   Specific Medical Information (medication, allergies, etc) 
  •   Any custody arrangements
  •   Visa and Passport (if from overseas)

Information on pre-school type and how long they attended.

Children may be enrolled at five years of age, but must be enrolled by the age of six years. We encourage three visits to help with a smooth transition. Please view this PDF for more information on the procedure. 

Transition to school procedure.pdf

Enrolment Form 2024.pdf

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